
Another Big Milestone for Testosterone Research Today from the TRAVERSE Study!

Testosterone research has reached a significant milestone today (August 18, 2023)  with a groundbreaking study known as the TRAVERSE Study! Aimed at middle-aged and older men with hypogonadism and low libido, this two-year research explored the effects of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on various sexual functions. The results? Quite surprising, but let’s break it down so that anyone can understand the essence of this study without any jargon or complex language. Does TRT improve libido but not erectile function? Let’s find out!

Background of the Study

Understanding the relationship between testosterone levels and sexual function has been a puzzle for many researchers. TRAVERSE study took the challenge to evaluate the long-term effects of TRT on sexual function among hypogonadal men. Think of it like finally finding a missing piece in a vast and complex puzzle.

Objective of The TRAVERSE Study

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of TRT on major adverse cardiovascular events and sexual functions in middle-aged and older men with hypogonadism.

Methods: The Experiment

A detailed analysis was performed on 5204 men aged 45 to 80 years with hypogonadism. They were divided into two groups:

  • 587 were administered 1.62% testosterone gel.
  • 574 were given placebo gel.

Primary Outcome: Sexual Activity

The primary focus was to study the change from the baseline in sexual activity score, a significant parameter that can determine overall sexual health.

Secondary Outcomes

  • Hypogonadal symptoms
  • Erectile function
  • Sexual desire

Results at a Glance

TRT showed significant improvement in sexual activity, hypogonadal symptoms, and sexual desire but not in erectile function.

What Does It Mean for Men with Low Libido?

Imagine having a key that only unlocks one door but not the other. TRT can be seen as that key for men with low libido – it unlocks the improvement in sexual desire but not necessarily erectile function.

Limitations of the Study

Every study has its constraints. It would be best to delve deeper into the limitations to understand what may be left unanswered.

Relationship to AUA ED Guidelines

The results align with the AUA ED Guidelines, reaffirming that testosterone therapy may boost libido but not as effective in improving erectile function.

Future Perspectives

What does this mean for the future of testosterone research? Are there new pathways to explore? Let’s examine the prospects.


The TRAVERSE study marked a significant milestone in understanding the complexity of TRT in hypogonadal men with low libido. It opened doors to sexual desire but left the question of erectile function still slightly ajar.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the TRAVERSE Study?

The TRAVERSE Study is a detailed research initiative aimed at understanding the effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on sexual functions among hypogonadal men.

  • Who were the participants in the study?

Men aged 45 to 80 with hypogonadism and low libido participated in the study.

Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy improve erectile function? No, the study found that TRT did not significantly improve erectile function but did enhance sexual desire and activity.

  • What are the implications of this study for the general public?

This study provides insights into the effects of TRT, aiding in better understanding and potential treatments for men with low libido and hypogonadism.

  • Where can more information about the study be found?

Detailed information about the study can be found in medical journals, research publications, or university press releases related to health and medicine. Here is a direct link to a source of this announcement: Effect of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Sexual Function and Hypogonadal Symptoms in Men with Hypogonadism

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